Thursday, September 3, 2020
Profile of Serial Killer Tommy Lynn Sells
Profile of Serial Killer Tommy Lynn Sells Tommy Lynn Sells was a sequential executioner who guaranteed duty regarding more than 70 homicides over the United States, procuring him the moniker Coast to Coast Killer. Sellsâ was indicted for just one homicide, yet this single convictionâ was enough to land him on Texass death row. In 2014, he was executed in the Allan B. Polunsky Unit close to Livingston, Texas. The Tip of the Iceberg On Dec. 31, 1999, 10-year-old Krystal Surles was remaining at the place of a companion, 13-year-old Kaylene Katy Harris, when she was assaulted by a man in the room where the two young ladies were dozing. She looked as the man got Kaylene and cut her throat. Claiming to be dead, she remained still until she had the chance to get away and find support from the nearby neighbor. With the assistance of a scientific craftsman, Krystal had the option to give enough detail to make a sketchâ that in the end prompted the capture of Tommy Lynn Sells. It turned out Sells knew Terry Harris, Kaylenes received dad. Kaylene was his expected casualty that night.â Sells was captured days after the fact on January 2, 2000, at the trailer where he lived with his significant other and her four kids. It was a tranquil capture; he didn't avoid or even inquire as to why he was being captured. Sells laterâ confessedâ to executing Kaylene Harris and endeavoring to murder Krystal, yet that was only a glimpse of something larger. During the next months, Sells confessed to killing numerous men, ladies, and kids in a few states the nation over. Youth Years Tommy Lynn Sells and his twin sister Tammy Jean were conceived in Oakland, California on June 28, 1964. His mom, Nina Sells, was a single parent with three other kids at the time that the twins were conceived. The family moved to St. Louis, Missouri, and at year and a half old, the two Sells and Tammy Jean contracted spinal meningitis, which slaughtered Tammy Jean. Tommy survived.â Not long after his recovery, Sells was sent to live with his auntie Bonnie Walpole, in Holcomb, Missouri. He remained there until age 5 when he came back to live with his mom after she found that Walpole was keen on embracing him.â All through his youth years, Sells was leftâ mostly to fight for himself. He infrequently went to class and by the age of 7, he was drinking liquor. Youth Trauma Around this equivalent time, Sellsâ began spending time with a man from a close by town. The man indicated him a great deal ofâ attention as endowments and successive excursions. On a few events, Sells went through the night at the keeps an eye on home. Afterward, this sameâ man was seen as liable of kid molestation,â which did not shock Sells, who had been one of his casualties beginning when he was only 8 years old.â From the age of 10 to 13, Sells indicated an exceptional skill for remaining in a tough situation. By age 10, he had quit going to class, picking rather to smoke pot and drink liquor. Once, when he was 13,â he climbed bare into his grandmas bed. This was the issue that crosses over into intolerability for Tommys mother. Inside days, she took his kin and left Tommy alone, leaving not even a sending address. The Carnage Begins Loaded up with rage after his deserting, the adolescent Sells assaulted his first female casualty by gun whipping her until she was oblivious. With no home and no family, Sells started floating from town to town, getting unspecialized temp jobs and taking what he required. Sells later guaranteed he submitted his first homicide at age 16, in the wake of breaking into a home and murdering a man inside who wasâ performing oral sex on a little fellow. There was never any confirmation to back up his case about the occurrence. Sells additionally professed to have shot and murdered John Cade Sr. in July 1979, after Cade discovered him burglarizing his home. A Bad Reunion In May 1981, Sells moved to Little Rock, Arkansas and moved back in with his family. The gathering was brief. Nina Sells advised him to leave after heâ attempted to have sexâ with her while she was cleaning up. Pull out of the roads, Sells came back to doing what he knew best, burglarizing and murdering, functioning as a fair worker, and bouncing trains to get to his next goal. He later admitted to slaughtering two individuals in Arkansas before going to St. Louis in 1983. Just one of the killings, that of Hal Akins, was ever affirmed. Transient Serial Killing In May 1984 Sills was indicted for vehicle burglary and he was allowed a two-year jail sentence. Heâ was releasedâ from jail the next February however neglected to follow the terms of hisâ probation. While in Missouri, Sells began working a region reasonable in Forsyth where he met Ena Cordt, 35, and her 4-year-old child. Sells later confessed to murdering Cordt and her child. As per Sells,à Cordtà invited him back to her home, however when he discovered herâ going through his rucksack, he beat her to death with a play club. He at that point did likewise to the main observer of the wrongdoing, the 4-year-old Rory Cordt. Their bodies were discovered three days after the fact. Overdosed on Heroin By September 1984, Sells was back in prison for alcoholic driving in the wake of slamming his vehicle. He remained in prison until May 16, 1986. Back in St. Louis, Sells claimsâ he shot an outsider in self-preservation. He at that point made a beeline for Aransas Pass, Texas, where he was hospitalized for anâ overdose of heroin. Once out of the emergency clinic, he took a vehicle and made a beeline for Fremont, California. While in Freemont, agents accept he was answerable for the passing of Jennifer Duey, 20, who was shot to death. They additionally accept he was answerable for killing Michelle Xavier, 19, who was discovered dead with her throat cut. Unverified Killing In October 1987, Sells was living in Winnemucca, Nevada, with 20-year-old Stefanie Stroh. Sells admitted to sedating Stroh with LSD, at that point choking her and discarding her body by burdening her feet with cement and placing her body into an underground aquifer in the desert. This wrongdoing was rarely affirmed. As per Sells he left Winnemucca on November third and traveled east. In October 1987, heâ confessed to killing Suzanne Korcz, 27, in Amherst, New York. A Helping Hand Keith Dardeen was the following known heartbreaking casualty that attempted to become a close acquaintence with Sells. He seen Sells bumming a ride in Ina, Illinois and offered him a hot dinner at his home. Consequently, Sells shotà Dardeenà and then damaged his penis. Next, he murderedà Dardeensà three-year-old child Pete by clubbing him with a sledge. He at that point turned his wrath onà Dardeensà pregnant spouse Elaine, who he endeavored to assault. The assault caused Elaine to start giving birth and she brought forth her little girl. Neither mother nor girl endure. Sells beat them two to death with a bat. He at that point embedded the bat into Elaines vagina, tucked the kids and the mother into bed and left. Theâ crime went unsolvedâ for 12 years until Sells admitted. Julie Rae Harper Sellsâ confessed to a mind blowing crosscountry wrongdoing binge albeit a significant number of the violations he portrays have never been verified.â In 2002, wrongdoing author Diane Fanning started relating with Sells as he anticipated the passing penaltyâ in Texas. In one of his letters to Fanning, Sells admitted to the homicide of 10-year-old Joel Kirkpatrick. Joels mother, Julie Rae Harper, was seen as blameworthy of his homicide and was in jail. Later Sells told Fanning, during an up close and personal meeting, that Harper had been inconsiderate to him at a comfort store, so to exact revenge on her, he followed her home and killed the kid. The confession,â along with Fannings declaration at a jail survey board and with assistance from the Innocence Project, later brought about another preliminary for Harper that finished in anâ acquittal. Across the nation For a long time Sells was a transient sequential executioner that oversaw toâ stay under the radarâ as he meandered around the nation killing and assaulting clueless survivors all things considered. Specialists accept that Sells is likely answerable for 70 homicides the nation over. During his admissions, he took on the moniker Coast to Coast when telling about the various killings he had submitted one month while in California and the following month while in Texas. In light of Sells admissions consistently, the accompanying schedule can be sorted out, in any case, not the entirety of his cases have been demonstrated. December 1988â -Tucson, Arizona - Sells killsà Ken Lauten over a terrible medication deal.Between Decemberâ -January 1988â -Sells kills an obscure lady and her three-year-old child in Salt Lake City, Utah, discarding their bodies in the Snake River in Idaho.January 1988â -à à Ina, Illinois - After killing the Dardeen family, Sells is captured for taking a vehicle. He takes off under the steady gaze of his booked court appearance.January 1988â -Lawrence, Massachusetts - Melissa Trembly, 11, isâ raped and murdered.January 27, 1989â -Truckee, California - Sells executes an unnamedâ prostituteâ and discards her body. A unidentified womans body was found at the area that he portrays to police.April 1989â -Roseburg, Oregon - Sells killsâ an anonymous lady that was in her twenties.Mayà 9, 1989â -Roseburg, Oregon - Sells killsâ a female hitchhiker.Mayà 9, 1989â -Roseburg, Oregon - Sells is arrestedâ for taking from his manager. He goes through 15 days in jail.August 16, 1 989â -North Little Rock, Arkansas - Sells is arrestedâ on burglary charges. October 18, 1989â -Oakland, California - Sells is chargedâ with open inebriation and placed into detox.November 1989â -Carson City, Nevada - Sells is accused of open drunkenness.December 1989â -Phoenix, Arizona - Sells is hospitalizedâ for a heroin overdose.Januaryà 7
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Comparing and Contrasting the Novel and Movie Version of The Grapes of
Investigating the Novel and Movie Version of The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck composed The Grapes of Wrath in 1939 to stir its perusers against the individuals who were liable for keeping the American individuals in neediness. The Grapes of Wrath recounts to the account of the Joad family, vagrant ranchers from Oklahoma heading out to California looking for a figment of success. The epic's solid position worked up a lot of debate, as it was regularly called Communist purposeful publicity, and prohibited from schools because of its disgusting language. Be that as it may, Steinbeck's epic is viewed as his most noteworthy work. It won the Pulitzer Prize, and later turned into an Academy Award winning film in 1940. The tale and the film are both viewed as awesome magnum opuses, encapsulating the specialty of filmmaking and novel-composing. Albeit both the novel and film type of Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath are viewed as American works of art, the novel gives a more profound comprehension of the story's time and significance. Missing from the film, the novel's interchapters give a more noteworthy comprehension of the time where The Grapes of Wrath happens. In the first place, in the film it is muddled why the Joads are compelled to forsake their ranch. It is portrayed quickly by Muley Graves, leaving the crowd in a mess. Be that as it may, in the novel, Chapter 5 clarifies precisely why the ranchers are driven out. In this interchapter, Steinbeck utilizes a discourse between a rancher and a delegate from a bank; the rancher is driven out in light of the fact that the bank, or theMonster as Steinbeck says, needs to make a benefit, and on the off chance that the rancher can't create any merchandise to take care of obligations, at that point the bank abandones the land. This happened to numerous ranchers in the 1930's b ecause of a dr... ...h gives a more exciting encounter than the film. The tale gives the peruser a total sentiment of the timespan. It portrays in everything about circumstance of the Joads, just as other cultivating families compelled to be displaced people from their country. In actuality, the film leaves the peruser addressing with regards to what precisely is going on in America in the 1930's. The tale captivates the peruser with its delightful depictions of the setting, and its profound imagery. Then again, the film is fruitless, dry of imagery and shading. The film is centered exclusively around the plot, denying the crowd of Steinbeck's extraordinary composing aptitudes. In spite of the way that both the film and novel type of Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath are seen as American works of art, the film is practically unbearable when contrasted with the awesome perfect work of art in the novel type of Grapes of Wrath.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Facebook Case Analysis free essay sample
They can visit their own profiles just as they can even peruse profiles of others and offer interests like photographs, games and data (Mikolaj et al. , 2011), (Boyd amp; Ellison, 2007). In this paper, there are various inquiries concerning the Facebook and will be replied. Question 1: Why do individuals use Facebook, and what do they do when they are on the site? What are the ramifications of this conduct for people, associations and for Facebook? Facebook is one of the long range interpersonal communication destinations, which has become the most well known site universally (Lipsman, 2011). The quantity of people who enlisted in Facebook site arrived at a billion around four months prior (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). By and large, people are doing an assortment of exercises utilizing Facebook stage on the web. Individuals have an incredible chance to make their own open profiles, in which their old and ongoing data can be perused, where Facebook clients can compose their own data on their own profiles like names, living spots, interests, study programs, contact subtleties, photographs and pictures just as the other supported locales (Hargittai, 2010). We will compose a custom exposition test on Facebook Case Analysis or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Likewise, Facebook nables the people to convey and interface with far off companions, partners and outsiders, appearing and sharing their arrangements of associations just as expand and reinforce their connections and kinships, meet one another and sharing their inclinations, and they can even share the media content (Griffiths amp; Kuss, 2011). Individuals can likewise shop web based utilizing Facebook perusing shopping pages, looking for gatherings or individuals, and peruse peopleââ¬â¢s dividers (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). In addition, Facebook clients can play free social games, for example, Zynga, which thusly would assist them with interfacing with different networks. As indicated by Piskoriski (2011), there was an overview done by Information Solution Group exhibited that in excess of 30 percept of Zynga game players brought up that the games empowered them to interface with family and present companions though another third conceded that messing around on Facebook caused them to associate with old companions and 33% utilized them so as to make new companions. Also, concerning the impact of Facebook on associations, associations are utilizing Facebook stage to make their names substantially more notable which thus prompts increment their deals and benefits (Mikolaj et al. 2011). As a matter of fact, there are two primary factors that have made Facebook the most mainstream social site universally: Firstly, the need to have a place, besides, the need to see impediment. Each one of those components could be affected by a few factors, for example, segment and individual qualities, and social and social foundation (Ashwini amp; Stefan, 2012). Converse ly, utilizing Facebook could be prompting the negative outcomes. At the end of the day, the expanding hours individuals spend on the web, might be characteristic of potential habit especially for understudies (Griffiths amp; Kuss, 2011). Grabmeier (2010) asserted that there is a solid connection between utilizing Facebook and low evaluations accomplishment at colleges. This is associates with the ongoing examination indicated that ââ¬Å"Facebook clients had lower grade scholastic execution and invested less energy concentrating than understudies who didn't utilize this long range interpersonal communication sitesâ⬠(Griffiths amp; Kuss 2011, 10). Moreover, Griffiths and Kuss (2011) guaranteed that Anecdotal contextual investigation proof announced that some Facebook addicts are bound to have potential psychological wellness issues. In addition Accessibility of the othersââ¬â¢ securities utilizing Facebook could likewise be considered as one of the negative effects of utilizing Facebook. Question 2: How would organizations be able to use Facebook for business purposes? How viable are organization pages on Facebook? Facebook stage is assuming a critical job in business purposes, especially for organizations. They can make free profile page so as to post data about their items and get remarks about them, accordingly, Facebook may put more so as to upgrade publicizing items (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). Moreover, further interest in this social site help the organizations improve their own applications, letting the Facebook clients occupied with some get-togethers that they may be keen on and thus the connection between the organizations and their fans would be reinforced (Mikolaj et al. , 2011), (Piskoriski, 2011). Facebook likewise made new business pages which allowed organizations, brands, items, craftsmen, and open figures to manufacture free custom Facebook pages and draw in Facebook clients to like them so clients would then observe notices, pictures and recordings which posted by the association on their page (Mikolaj et al. 2011). This can make a successful arrangement between the organizations and their fans. Organizations can likewise promote their pages on Facebook to be enjoyed by clients. New publicizing items were improved utilizing Facebook which thus utilized its clients regarding social connections (Mikolaj et al. , 2011), (Piskoriski, 2011). To delineate, companio ns of a specific organization would see promotions about that organization consistently (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). Thus, Facebook has accomplished monstrous monetary advantages from those engineers and applications. Question 3: Regarding the Facebook stage, what job does it play for the two people and associations? Facebook has a few methodologies that make it unique in relation to other social destinations. For instance, Facebook clients can peruse each otherââ¬â¢s profiles as long as the profilesââ¬â¢ proprietors permitted that (Boyd amp; Ellison, 2007). Additionally, Facebook allowed clients to add applications so as to upgrade their profile and they were set up by Facebook designers (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). One of these applications is games, where more than 40 % of Facebook clients had been pulled in to mess around by 2011. A year after Facebook stretched out its API to involve different activities, for example, tuning in to music or perusing an article and may be likewise imparted to different clients (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). Facebook stage additionally assume a noteworthy job in expanding the benefit of the organizations. The gigantic increment in the quantity of the Facebook clients has made it substantially more appealing to the customary organizations (Piskoriski, 2011). Firms began to make application stages and search for new clients and connecting with the current ones on Facebook site by publicizing and offering new exceptional costs and posted them on their own profile page (Piskoriski, 2011). Subsequently, the quantity of guests to that profile page of that organizations would be expanding which prompted a generous increment in the quantity of clients who are keen on the their applications and brands. People can likewise observe different brands utilizing ads for those brands on Facebook. At that point the firmsââ¬â¢ salaries would be expanding significantly. Question 4: At long last, audit the last passage on page 14. How might you react to these inquiries? What ought to Facebook focus on? As of late, there has been an enormous joint effort among firms and Facebook stage as far as business viewpoints. Indeed, offering free profile pages on Facebook has made it substantially more alluring and important to numerous organizations. Firms have had the option to use this element by doing organizations with Facebook through which they proficient to promote their brands and items on Facebook usersââ¬â¢ profiles so organizations can expand their incomes (Mikolaj et al. , 2011). Furthermore, Facebook application designers have extraordinary chances to make extra applications, and update and upgrade the old ones dependent on usersââ¬â¢ interests due the huge expanding in the quantity of Facebook guests who have various wants and needs (Egele et al. , 2012). Thusly, Facebook assumes a fundamental job in items dispersal and expanding deals and afterward benefits of the organizations because of publicizing and applications. Facebook ought to concentrate on conveying substantially more exertion so as to help its organizations with associations dependent on the interests of the clients. Improvement its instruments is another factor that can build its fascination in the financial specialists and afterward increment benefits. There is likewise a significant issue that Facebook should worry about which is security regarding information craving. Facebook ought to know about keeping its clients protective measures secure. Else, it will lose its esteem as far as restricting the targets for the two people and organizations (Fowler amp; Geoffre, 2010). End There is no person to person communication site as well known as Facebook. It very well may be utilized either for correspondence between people worldwide or for business angles. Facebook has a few favorable circumstances as far as fortifying the social connections just as giving new advertising methodologies which thus prompts the expanding the development of economy. In any case, Facebook has some negative effects, for example, studentsââ¬â¢ accomplishment and perusing the othersââ¬â¢ securities. When all is said in done, Facebook is encountering monstrous difficulties to keep and advance its notoriety. References Ashwini, Nadkarni, and Hofmann, Stefan G. ââ¬Å"Why do People use Facebook? â⬠Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 52, issue 3 (2012): 243-249. Egele, M. , Moser, A. , Kruegel, C. furthermore, Kirda, E. PoX: Protecting Users from Malicious Facebook Applications. PC Communications 35, no. 12 (2012): 1507-1515. www. scopus. com. Fowler, Geoffrey A. Corporate News: Facebook Fights Privacy Concerns. Money Street Journal, Aug 21, 2010. http://search. proquest. com/docview/746178017? accountid=10382 Grabmeier, J. ââ¬Å"Study Finds Link Between Facebook Use, Lower Grades In College. â⬠Research News (201
Monday, June 8, 2020
Homosexuality In The Bible - Free Essay Example
Is the Bible meant to be taken literally in todays time? Or was it written in a historical framework of our holy ancestors and in some ways cannot still be taken literally by the modern bible reader? Religion and science do not pair together well all of the time. Christian biblical translators either respond to scientific findings in a positive or negative way, depending on the topic and issue at hand. Many studies of science seem to challenge a literal reading of the bible. This conflict is due moderately to confusion of what scientists are saying. Also, because it is an effort to parallel scientific declarations with biblical ones. (Bellis and Hufford 2002, 13) When the issue of Homosexuality in the bible comes up, many people are puzzled and dont know how to decipher right from wrong or a sin from a non-sin. For some communities, its an equal rights movement and an overall issue to try and legalize same-sex marriage for homosexual couples. For many it is also a moral and religious topic because it is addressed in the bible multiple times. Unfortunately, debates, uproars, and even violence has occurred due to peoples opposing opinions. Human sexuality is determined in three general ways: the genetic makeup of the individual, learned behavior, and environmental influences (Bellis and Hufford 2002, 8). Homosexuality has created a vast emotional reaction from particular individuals, primarily from those that claim to be religious peoples. All or many refer to the Leviticus text You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination Leviticus 18:22 (NIV). The reaction towards that passage of the Bible has fundamentally been negative, portraying homosexuality as unethical, an abomination, and immoral. On the other hand, some feel it is fully natural and a present from God. From the faith perspective, statements from the bible point to entire truths that must be followed then and still need to be followed today, biblical scholars on the other hand argue that these testimonies are still open to decode. A few texts from the bible say that same-sex sexual relationships are wrong, and this alone settles it for some people (Borg 2014, 82). In early Christianity, Judaism, and some religious people still today believe that the decency of marriage and the main purpose of marriage is to procreate and feed the earth with new offspring. This is a valid argument due to the fact that God sent Adam and Eve to the Garden of Eden and that is how humankind all began. God made woman for man and they fit divinely in such a way that they can populate the world and therefore we will not become extinct. The unification of family created by God was that a man and his wife would come together and become one flesh Genesis 2:4-3:24 (NIV). To establish a sexual bond with a partner with no intent to create a new life is differing to what the bible tells us. This is one of the main points that comes up when speaking against homosexuality. Many of these individuals believe that homosexuality is a choice made b y the person and they are willingly acting against God in this way. Conservatives are often even uncomfortable just hearing the word gay or homosexual due to their opinion that homosexual relations are wrong and an outright rebellion. Some believe in this so strongly that if they are a person of power in the church, often they try and heal or fix the same-sex attraction to meet the divine law of God. Another common belief people take very literally from the bible is Romans 1:24-25 (NIV) Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator who is forever praised. From this, it is clear that literal readers of the bible believe any homosexual person is ignoring God and choosing to worship the created rather than the creator of all things. The bible is the words of God written by different human beings in historical periods of time. Back in that time period, the divine law was the only law. There was no other legal system or powerful structure of how life should be and how one is supposed to interpret right from wrong. Since Christians are taught to aim to be as alike to God as possible, many assume taking just about all things from the bible literally is still just as important today as it was back then. For those who believe this and whom are committed to literalism, faith includes believing in the facts of the bible regardless of what we might think on the basis of modern advances and knowledge. But is this what faith is truly about (Borg 103)? Paragraph 3 Homo is OK When Paul Wrote in Romans 1, he was attempting to evidently portray what the gospel faithfully means. The Goodness of God as well as the Wrath of God when one sins are both mentioned throughout Romans 1:20-32. This being said, an opposition has been projected against this text regarding homosexuality in the bible. Critics state that this passage merely refers to heterosexuals binding homosexual acts and that this would not be applicable if ones natural craving was for the same sex and that relationship carried out in a healthy monogamous manner with consent from both sides. Humankind changes drastically throughout time, specifically in the past 50 years. Things from human sexuality, to family roles, to so much more has evolved into modern normality structures depending on regions of the world, religious views, etc. The bibles negativity pointing towards homosexuality is based upon ancient beliefs and family structures, which modern pieces of knowledge is making somewhat out-of-date t o how we live today. The bible is sometimes wrong for a certain period of time in certain aspects of scripture. Things like eating pork and wearing linen and wool (which is modernly absolutely acceptable) was prohibited by the authors of the bible. the authors of both Hebrew scripture and New Testament provide a model for adapting ancient scriptures to contemporary times- including the most extreme cases (Bellis and Hufford 2002, ). Because of this fact, it is confusing why homosexuality is still such a controversial topic especially in the religious world where we are supposed to accept all people regardless of their life choices and leaving the judgements up to God. When we judge others for their actions and sins, we ourselves are sinning and going against what God wants. It is not the job of humankind to play God. This being said, one does not have to let go of the fact that the bible forbids same-sex sexual relations, but the cultures fixation with the issue more likely says something about mankind rather than it being about the bible or our true devotion to God. We as people try to take p ower into our own hands to do good by God, when really we are being selfish and putting ourselves on an undeserving pedestal. From a mutual standpoint, Christians should hold back their outright negative opinions towards peoples sexual preferences and instead focus on having a greater level of compassion for one another regardless of the circumstances. Love is patient,love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,it is not easily angered,it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evilbut rejoices with the truth.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies,they will cease; where there are tongues,they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.For we know in partand we prophesy in part,but when completeness comes,what is in part disappears.1 Corinthians 13:4-12 (NIV) In attempt to illustrate a moral lesson, The notion that biblical stories are about facts and not meaning has created great distortion in modern times and in modern religion. Modern biblical
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Phenotype How a Gene Is Expressed As a Physical Trait
Phenotype is defined as an organisms expressed physical traits. Phenotype is determined by an individuals genotype and expressed genes, random genetic variation, and environmental influences. Examples of an organisms phenotype include traits such as color, height, size, shape, and behavior. Phenotypes ofà legumes include pod color, pod shape, pod size, seed color, seed shape, and seed size. Relationship Between Genotype and Phenotype An organisms genotype determines its phenotype. All living organisms have DNA, which provides instructions for the production of molecules, cells, tissues, and organs. DNA contains the genetic code that is also responsible for the direction of all cellular functions including mitosis, DNA replication, protein synthesis, and molecule transportation. An organisms phenotype (physical traits and behaviors) are established by their inherited genes. Genes are certain segments of DNA that code for the production of proteins and determine distinct traits. Each gene is located on a chromosome and can exist in more than one form. These different forms are called alleles, which are positioned on specific locations on specific chromosomes. Alleles are transmitted from parents to offspring through sexual reproduction. Diploid organisms inherit two alleles for each gene; one allele from each parent. Interactions between alleles determine an organisms phenotype. If an organism inherits two of the same alleles for a particular trait, it is homozygous for that trait. Homozygous individuals express one phenotype for a given trait. If an organism inherits two different alleles for a particular trait, it is heterozygous for that trait. Heterozygous individuals may express more than one phenotype for a given trait. Traits can be dominant or recessive. In complete dominance inheritance patterns, the phenotype of the dominant trait will completely mask the phenotype of the recessive trait. There are also incidences when the relationships between different alleles dont exhibit complete dominance. In incomplete dominance, the dominant allele does not mask the other allele completely. This results in a phenotype that is a mixture of the phenotypes observed in both alleles. In co-dominace relationships, both alleles are fully expressed. This results in a phenotype in which both traits are independently observed. Genetic Relationship Trait Alleles Genotype Phenotype Complete Dominance Flower Color R - red, r - white Rr Red flower Incomplete Dominance Flower Color R - red, r - white Rr Pink flower Co-dominance Flower Color R - red, r - white Rr Red and white flower Phenotype and Genetic Variation Genetic variation can influence the phenotypes seen in a population. Genetic variation describes the gene changes of organisms in a population. These changes may be the result of DNA mutations. Mutations are changes in the gene sequences on DNA. Any change in the gene sequence can change the phenotype expressed in inherited alleles. Gene flow also contributes to genetic variation. When new organisms migrate into a population, new genes are introduced. The introduction of new alleles into the gene pool makes new gene combinations and different phenotypes possible. Different gene combinations are produced during meiosis. In meiosis, homologous chromosomes randomly segregate into different cells. Gene transfer may occur between homologous chromosomes through the process of crossing over. This recombining of genes can produce new phenotypes in a population.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Philip K. Dick One of the More Prolific Science Fiction...
Philip K. Dick is one of the more prolific science fiction writers of the second half of the 20th century. His dark plots, themes, and characterizations differ greatly from those who preceded him. This has seemingly translated well onto the big screen, as at last count, nearly ten of his novels and short stories have been adapted into films. Several of these films have garnered critical acclaim for both their movie credentials and use of source material. Blade Runner, originally released in 1982 and based off a 1968 novel entitled Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? along with A Scanner Darkly, a 2006 film based off a book of the same name released in 1977, are two such examples. They provide an excellent base to compare the adaptationsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Rather than rely heavily on action-oriented special effects, director Ridley Scott creates a futuristic environment that is at the same time both familiar and new to audiences. The sense of familiarity the viewer has wit h this future makes the modern advances in robotics and transportation introduced throughout the story more believable. In contrast, A Scanner Darkly is immediately noteworthy for its use of rotoscoping. The entire movie was first filmed as any normal movie would be. Afterwards, computer animators recreated the frames, using combinations of several techniques to create the appeal which director Richard Linklater envisioned. Though some would consider this a novelty, the rotoscoping helps recreate the distorted, dream-like sense of reality the characters in the film live in. Colors are flattened and perspective takes on a new feel, as the viewer sometimes feels detached from the environment, much like lead Bob Arctor feels on a daily basis while addicted to Substance D. Only time will tell if this technique still holds appeal after thirty years of like Blade Runner. As opposed to Blade Runnerââ¬â¢s film noir style, A Scanner Darkly achieves its effect entirely post production. Both have a very strong impact and aid their respective storylines, so it is debatable as to which works better or has the more lasting appeal. What
Factors that led to the American declaration free essay sample
The stamp act congress were formed and they pleaded to the parliament o repeal the act. The act was repeal but the declaratory act took its place. Parliament did not admit the contention of the Americans that It was without power to tax them. On the contrary, It accompanied the repeal with a Declaratory Act. It announced that the colonies were subordinate to the crown and Parliament of Great Britain.. . [And] therefore had undoubted authority to make laws binding the colonies in all cases whatsoever.With the Declaratory act in place it gave way for the Townsend act to take action. In 1767, the Townsend act was passed by the reliant and it collected duties and customs on colonial imports and exports in the hands of British commissioners appointed by the king. It also Imposed a tax on lead, glass, paint, paper and tea. Lastly this act also gave the East Indian Company a monopoly on the import of tea. We will write a custom essay sample on Factors that led to the American declaration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Americans saw all these the same way they saw the stomp act. For them, only their local assemblies had the right to tax them.A group of persons known as the writ of assistance gave warranty searches to revenue officers. In Massachusetts court, the writ of assistance was opposed by James Otis in as well. He said What a scene Every man, prompted by revenge, ill-humor, or wantonness to inspect the inside of his neighbors house, may get a writ of assistance. Others will ask it from self-defense; one arbitrary exertion will provoke another until society is involved in tumult and blood. The writ brought so much hate to the colony that John Adams then stated, Then and there, the child independence was born.This was the overturn for the people of the northern colonies. Furthermore, the all duties were repeal except for the tea. This led too revolt known as the Boston tea party where 90,000 tons of tea was thrown away by Boston activists. The Intolerable act was passed closing the Boston Harbor. Around this time many assemblies who opposed the parliament were dissolved. With assemblies being dissolved, colonies took on a new phase to move forward and began to claim their right as English men and that parliament were unlawful.In December 1775, the parliament passed the prohibitory act that seized all trades in America. America was now outside of the kings protection American ships and cargo was now fair game for Royal Navy. What gave a good inspiration for the Americans was Thomas Pains pamphlet common sense. Paine was not only against parliament but the king as well. He summed up that the British constitution was bases on aristocracy and monarchy and that Americans had no choice but independence. The Townsend act was the turning point in the American Revolution.
Monday, April 20, 2020
The Gorge Yourself Enviroment free essay sample
ââ¬Å"The gorge- yourself environmentâ⬠We find foods everywhere we look; sitting along the roadsides, calling at you in bright colors from grocery store shelves, glowing in vending machines down the hallway. There is no way to escape the never-ending advertisements from fast food restaurant. This is where obesity begins; consuming more food portions than your body needs People need to set limits and health plans early in their life to overcome this new threat. In this research, journalist Erica Goode tries to evaluate the local and global influence of the fast food industry of the United States. Erica Goode is an award winning journalist and currently on the staff of the New York Times. In 1979, she got her master degree in social psychology. Goode relies on research studies in nutrition and public health to support her speculation. She was also awarded as a mass media fellowship sponsored by the American association for the advancement of science. We will write a custom essay sample on The Gorge Yourself Enviroment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She has also written for publication, such as, vogue, self, Mirabella and edited book called letters for children (1996). Due to her work and experiences, she has won awards for her writing from the national mental health association and American psychiatric association. As of result, we can say that Goode have been considered one of the most reputable name in the industry of journalism. Further more, she also show her background and adequate knowledge and experience with the industry, which gives her more credibility and dependability in writing about various issues regarding one topic. In this research she talks about making decision for what and how much to eat are dictated by many factor besides hunger. Bigger, cheaper, and more varied meals, heavily advertised and widely available, may induces people to eat more than they need to. This includes on her having direct contact with people involved in her research, supplied with facts. In the research, Goode tells about the fast food industries and how people are so tempted to it? She considered different important areas of the industry, not just focusing on how the industry cater the changing meets and demands of the customer, but also the different processes, procedures and policies connected to the way the products are made and the amount that average person consumes. First, the author enables to present the different global concerns about the negative impact of fast food towards the health of the public, which include obesity. She also manages to connect other important aspects of one supply chain of the company, which is the artificial maker of flavors, where in, she mentioned to be highly reserved. Despite America being one of the most industrialized nations, this country is definitely not one of the healthiest. Even though we are living in a country with great economic power and amazing technology, we are also living in a country with the smallest nutritional knowledge. Where the land is overwhelmed with obesity. Fast food restaurants are quick to deny the blame that is being thrown at them by angry consumers and health professions. Fast-food restaurants have become typical in the past 30 years and practically all of America takes part of the cheap prices, quick service and tasty meals. Convenient as they are, these meals contain practically no nutrients. They are made up of mostly saturated fats and refined carbohydrates and are packed full of sodium and sugar. Fast food consumption can lead to adverse effects on the quality of dietary caused by higher energy intake. Increased risk of obesity is a major concern for parents as fast food has been a prominent feature on diet especially for children. Obesity effects growth and development of children on many aspects. The result of obesity will remain a greater hurdle of development for children consuming fast food. The problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. Obesity is one of the easiest medical conditions to recognize but most difficult to get by. Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise. The biggest concern with children is the amount of exposure they get to these bad eating habits. Their busy parents use drive thru as a quick meal, and as a reward for good behavior. Their teachings show children that these meals are to be earned and give them a satisfying feeling while eating them. This helps develop a psychological connection that makes children feel more dependants on this food.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Computing Power Unleashed Essays - Central Processing Unit
Computing Power Unleashed Essays - Central Processing Unit Computing Power Unleashed This article mainly deals with the microprocessor chip, which is the computer's brain. This computer chip is responsible for the majority of the computers functions, it's commonly referred to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU). It receives and executes your instructions and determines if your computer understands software written for a Personal Computer (PC) or a Macintosh (MAC). The CPU chip size is small, about half the size of a business card, and just as small as your thumbnail. Intel is the leading manufacturer of microprocessor for IBM PC's, also other companies manufacture them also. However Apple, IBM, and Motorola have combined to create a power chip designed to be used in IBM PC's and Macintosh computers. However Intel microprocessors are as follows 8088, 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486, and the Pentium. The prefix 80 is commonly dropped. Then we look at the CPU package dealing with the electronic circuits. This chip is made of silicon, containing numerous tiny transistors with tiny wire protruding from it. The chip is encase in black plastic and sits on the motherboard which contains all of the computers circuitry. Microprocessors have all different kinds of internal processor speed, commonly known as clock speed. This represents the number of clock cycles a chip can produce per second and how quickly the CPU can execute commands. The speed is measured in megahertz (MHz) for example 25MHz equals to 25 million clock cycles per second. The CPU also contains the databus (a wire) across of it that moves the information.. Which is measured in bits (smallest piece of information). These chips are compared by the Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance (ICOMP). They compare a number of industry standards to determine the power of different CPU's. Nevertheless a breakthrough in the 486 series chips surfaced, Intel offered the 486DX in 1989 better than 386, amore faster CPU with clock speeds up to 33MHz, including 1.2 million transistors compared to the 386's, and also offered a math coprocessor. The drawbacks was it was to expensive for the common person.. In 1991 Intel came up with the 486SX with no math coprocessor and speeds up to 25Mhz which made more affordable. Nonetheless, in 1992 Another breakthrough by Intel by introducing the 486DX2 with clock speeds up to 66MHz with slightly a higher price which made the perfect upgrade tool for people who could not afford it. Next the fifth generation was introduced by Intel again with high priced CPU, the Pentium processor, the most powerful one yet. Introduced in 1993 and operating between 66MHz to 100MHz. With the Intel's 3 new plants, prices went down for these chips. However id not stop there, Intel introduce another CPU processor, the 486DX4 with clock speeds of 75MHz to 100MHz with lesser cost than pentiums. Nevertheless, determining the CPU that rights for you must be a decision between the type of power you want and can afford.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Southwest Airpine Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Southwest Airpine Analysis - Research Paper Example Americaââ¬â¢s public transport is quite efficient and this poses a challenge to Southwestââ¬â¢s operations. Bus companies are most notable for offering alternative short-distance travelling services to many Americans who prefer the road than the air. According to Gittell (2005), transportation factors such as scheduling, safety, facilities, security procedures are very important to travelers who might use these factors as criteria not to choose Southwest in favor of surface transportation. The existence of close to 1150 seaports in Texas makes it possible for Texas residents and visitors to travel conveniently and cheaply by sea. Furthermore, commuter rail services provided by organizations such as Capital MetroRail have greatly made surface travel as interesting and fast experience as travelling by air. The road network in Texas is no doubt superb considering the several high standard highways that dot the state. Many potential air transport customers opt to travel by bus (such as Executive Coach Inc) or by private means considering the specific conveniences that come with road transport including the option of making stopovers at interesting sites. The huge number of companies offering care hire services has made the surface travel experience great even to those who cannot afford town cars. Customers who may be dissatisfied by one or more aspects of Southwestââ¬â¢s services may opt to use other means of transport which have better services. One of the greatest strengths of Southwest Airlines is its product positioning. The company has developed an integrated marketing strategy that has helped position its product among its core target market (Lauer, 2010). Most air travelers in the US know that Southwest has the kind of products that they would choose. In its marketing communication, the company positions itself as a ââ¬Å"low-fare, short-haul, high
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Should Euthanasia be legalized Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Should Euthanasia be legalized - Essay Example Involuntary euthanasia is considered as murder in most countries. This can be said to be euthanasia performed to a person who was able to provide consent on whether he chooses to die or not. As much as this practice has come to form part of some countries in the world, in most countries of the world it is illegal and many are yet to embrace the positive sides of euthanasia. Euthanasia is a term that was first applied in the 17th century, and the term was used to refer to a quick and painless death. Towards the approach of the 21century, more countries got to embrace this as it proved to be a solution towards illness related issues. The act became in the light of many critics including religions like Christianity. According to the Bible, God is the Supreme Being and the giver of life, and from this angle most of church faithful has argued that no man has the authority over the life of another. Euthanasia as a practice is known to be administered to patients who have suffered long illn esses and do not seem to show any form of improvements. The type of illnesses euthanasia is administered are mostly terminal illnesses. A terminal illness is an illness which when one develops, he then has no chance to recover. Definition of terminal illness in a country like Netherlands is that terminal illness is a ââ¬Ëconcrete expectancy of deathââ¬â¢, Some countries like Oregon has further illustrated the definition of terminal illness as that illness within reasonable judgments will produce death within six months, this is to state that with terminal illness, death is inevitable. When one suffers from terminal illnesses like cancer or a heart related illness, there are many implications in relation to what he goes through. A family member who develops a terminal condition goes through many hardships which are related to the illness he has, this is in relation to fear of his or her life ending, pain and constant stress. Chemotherapy is a cancer related treatment. In this t ype of treatment, chemicals are used as medication. This treatment is used in cancer treatment as a way of destroying cancerous cells. It is also meant as a way of ensuring that cancerous cells do not spread to other parts of the body. Chemotherapy treatment has been known to be effective in some cases around the world. One disadvantage of this type of treatment is that it is very expensive and not many people can afford it. Chemotherapy has long term and short term effects that a patient may face. Short time effects are such as constant dizziness, constipation, and nausea and general discomfort. The long term disadvantages are that the treatment is time consuming and there are always a risk of the cancerous cells regenerating after the treatment is through. It is for these drastic effects of terminal illnesses that some countries chose to embrace euthanasia as the way out. Spending all of the family money on one member of the family is a decision that can be said to be dangerous in relation to the well being of the other family members. The attempt to treat a family member diagnosed with cancer has been known to put families in tough financial situations. As much as one would give anything for a family member to get better, considerations should always be taken regarding how the remaining members are to continue living. Persistent vegetative state is a condition which is known to be one with both ethical and medical
Friday, January 31, 2020
Outsourcing or Exporting America Essay Example for Free
Outsourcing or Exporting America Essay With the new economic slump, many people are trying to find ways to rebuild the economy and find the cause of the downward spiral that has recently plagued our country. In the quack of high unemployment, and many families losing their homes, many of the economists and researchers are looking to the outsourcing of jobs to other countries as the culprit for the dilemma. Is his belief true or false? The answer lies within each personââ¬â¢s individual belief, because politicians do not give all the information available about this new crises and the reason for it. In a year of presidential elections, one only needs to look at the previous election to see that this same topic was prevalent. In 2004, John Kerry accused George W. Bush of ââ¬Å"exportingâ⬠jobs to other countries so big business could save money. In fact, N. Gregory Mankiw stated that the outsourcing of jobs was just another type of trade on an international level. Even at that time, many opponents realized that the government was trying to make excuses for high unemployment and the loss of jobs in this country. With the end of the election, the topic lost steam and lay in the background for years (Drezner, 1; Dobbs, 1). Now, in the smoke filled world of foreclosures, banks going under and financial giants losing their grasp of the world, the issue of outsourcing has again reared its head. Why? Because the majority of the public believe that the exporting of jobs is a major factor in the current slump. While manufacturing jobs have been lost to countries for lower wages, now the middle manager and white collar jobs are being shipped overseas to companies that charge much less then their American counterparts. This leaves the middle class American with few options and young Americans with unfulfilled dreams (Drezner, 1; Dobbs, 1). Both sides of the argument believe that they are in the right. Those that applaud the globalization and outsourcing to other countries, truly or blindly believe that it is the best option for this country. They even believe that it will help to create higher paying jobs for Americans, while the mundane and manufacturing jobs are done elsewhere for less money. They fool themselves with this notion. The truth of the matter is that American companies shut down factories and outsource middle management or call center activities; they are hurting the American worker and the American economy (Dobbs, 1). Look around and see the economy failing, banks losing, real estate stagnant. While the stock market roller coasters from downward spirals to euphoric rises, the economy is more imbalanced than ever. Multinational corporations will continue to layoff workers in the United States to give those jobs to people in other countries for less money. Is destroying our country worth a few dollars per employee? Most American would not agree. They would take up rank and fight, but until they have the correct information, and the government stops skewing the truth, the American people will suffer and the economy will fail.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
What is Feminism? Essay -- Carol Gilligan Feminism Gender Essays Paper
What is Feminism? What is feminism? By general definition, feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political and economical equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girl or boys. Feminism can also be described as a movement. A revolution that includes women and men who wish the world to be equal without boundaries. These boundaries or blockades are better known as discrimination and biases against gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status and economic status. Everyone views the world with his or her own sense of gender and equality. Feminists view the world as being unequal. They wish to see the gender gap and the idea that men are superior to women decreased or even abolished. Carol Gilligan is one woman who has contributed much time and effort to the feminist theory. Her beliefs and ideas are based upon difference feminism. In this essay I will tie the ideas and beliefs of Carol Gilligan with information from our text, the packet read in class and the book, Faces of Feminism. à à à à à Carol Gilligan is a lecturer and assistant professor at Harvard University as well as a psychologist. She has many theories that deal with moral reasoning and development. In her influential book In a Different Voice, she sets forth the idea that women make decisions ââ¬Å"according to a criteria of ethics of care and that men make decisions according to an ethic of rights.â⬠(3) In ... What is Feminism? Essay -- Carol Gilligan Feminism Gender Essays Paper What is Feminism? What is feminism? By general definition, feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political and economical equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girl or boys. Feminism can also be described as a movement. A revolution that includes women and men who wish the world to be equal without boundaries. These boundaries or blockades are better known as discrimination and biases against gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status and economic status. Everyone views the world with his or her own sense of gender and equality. Feminists view the world as being unequal. They wish to see the gender gap and the idea that men are superior to women decreased or even abolished. Carol Gilligan is one woman who has contributed much time and effort to the feminist theory. Her beliefs and ideas are based upon difference feminism. In this essay I will tie the ideas and beliefs of Carol Gilligan with information from our text, the packet read in class and the book, Faces of Feminism. à à à à à Carol Gilligan is a lecturer and assistant professor at Harvard University as well as a psychologist. She has many theories that deal with moral reasoning and development. In her influential book In a Different Voice, she sets forth the idea that women make decisions ââ¬Å"according to a criteria of ethics of care and that men make decisions according to an ethic of rights.â⬠(3) In ...
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Critical Reflection Essay Essay
Upon reflective exploration of my 16 week journey regarding the overall critical reflection of Nursing 5403 also referred to as Organizational Theory or Administration I, I find that I have a more sound and in depth theoretical understanding of key leadership and nursing administrative concepts and processes. This course has increased my knowledge base in regards to organizational design, augmented my awareness of healthcare administrative concepts, and strengthened my understanding of management concepts and processes. This educational experience has revealed imperative and insightful examples and practices used to become a more efficient, effective and formative leader. I have increased my usage of many of these concepts to improve my leadership skills and practice, to ââ¬Å"walk the walkâ⬠, in my daily work /life regimen. I will examine, evaluate, and reflect on the core information covered in this course by dividing the methods of delivery into three main presentation categ ories: written, oral, and online. The written presentation format was used to deliver the five discussion board questions and leadership instrument paper results. The discussion board allowed the opportunity to explore management concepts and practices from various perspectives. The leadership instrument paper allowed in depth exploration of variety of traits, theories, and practices important to leaders. I found both of these learning experiences very enlightening and beneficial to my overall managerial acumen. Northhouse (2013), explained on the sixteen types and styles of leadership, which had a major impact on my overall viewpoints regarding humans and management in our administrative worlds today. I was able to identify and relate the diverse leadership styles and types in a positive way and glean insightful understanding of different people and their leadership potential. The discussion board gave me free range to strengthen my self-expressive abilities and interact with my peers. The leadership instrument pape r allowed for self-analysis with specific references to key leadership ideals and concepts. I feel both assignments gave me insight into my leadership strengths, weaknesses, foci, and desires which will in turn assist me inà becoming a successful consistent leader. Oral presentations were used by both the students and the professor to teach assigned lessons. The dyad presentations were completed within the professor assigned groups. The organizational culture assignment was individually completed by each student. Dr. Junious, our professor, presented multiple management and leadership topics during the 16-week timeframe of our course work. The dyad group assignments allowed the students to work as a team, increase/ improve communication skills, and strengthen public speaking skills. The organizational culture assignment enriched my understanding of my departmentââ¬â¢s culture and fostered a new understanding and more tolerable acceptance of the different personalities which shapes my department and company. The professor guided topics allowed me to glean current knowledge on trends in nursing leadership and introduced new variables regarding emotional intelligence. One of the crucial components from our main source, Roussell (2013) which I have used on a consistent basis are the power listing tools known as, ââ¬Å"AMPPâ⬠, which stands for: ask, mirror, paraphrase, and prime. Consistent usage of these tools has empowered my ability to extract important information in a judicious manner, which has resulted in workflow improvement and increased productivity in my current position. The online method was used to complete our online certificate training for the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) leadership and quality courses. Both of these certificate online courses were very informative and educational. I gained excellent training from these online courses. The information presented in this online self-study gave illuminating examples, and reinforced positive and evidence based methods of leadership and analytical procedures. My goal is to complete at least eight of the other courses listed on this website to strengthen my inner self to produce stronger leadership abilities and increase process awareness. Overall, the knowledge, skills, and experience gleaned from my enrollment and participation in this class has enhanced my understanding of organizational processes and essential, effective leadership traits. I truly enjoyed my time in this course, it was interesting and informative.à The educational experience has stimulated and supported both professional and personal growth in my life. The traits and theoretical evidence based practices illustrated within our resources reinforced my thoughts that great leaders are formed and not born. References Northhouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Roussel, L. (2013). Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The fantastic voyage of the digestive system Essay
Once again we have been miniaturized in the submarine to continue the fantastic voyage of the digestive system. We will be touring a 55-year-old male. The host will be having a hamburger, French fries, and a root beer. We will be tracing lunch through the digestion process. Digestion is the process of turning the food that is ate into energy needed to survive and involves creating waste to be eliminated. (Mohan, 2010). The digestive tract is a long twisting tube that starts at the mouth and ends at the anus, called the alimentary canal. The wall of this tube is fashioned of four layers of tissue. The layers are listed from the inside coat to the outside coat: mucosa or mucus membrane, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa. The hollow spaceâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦As you can see, it is a tubelike structure made of muscle and lined with mucous membrane. The pharynx functions as part of the respiratory and digestive system because it is located behind the nasal cavities and the mouth . It is the structure that we refer to as the throat. It is about twelve and a half centimeters long and consists of three parts; the nasopharynx, oropharynx and the laryngopharynx. (, n.d.) The esophagus branches off of the pharynx which carries food to the stomach. Swallowing takes place in the pharynx partly as a reflex and partly under voluntary control. The tongue and soft palate pushes food into the pharynx, which closes off the trachea. The food then enters the esophagus. The esophagus is a muscular tube extending from the pharynx to the stomach. . (Mohan, 2010). It is about 25 centimeters long. The production of mucus by glands in the mucosal lining as you can see lubricates the tube to permit easier passage of food moving toward the stomach. (Thibodeau Patton, 2008). Food is pushed through the esophagus and into the stomach by a series of contractions called peristalsis. The lower esophageal sphincter is just before the opening to the stomach. It opens to let f ood pass into the stomach and closes to keep it there. (Mohan, 2010). The stomach is a sac-like organ with strong muscular walls that lies in the upper abdominal cavity just under the diaphragm. The stomach looks small after it is emptied, but it expandsShow MoreRelatedFantastic Voyage aP Ii Essay1739 Words à |à 7 PagesFantastic Voyage Unit 9 Project Anatomy and Physiology II Fantastic Voyage. Once again my mini-sub and I will be miniaturized (8 microns long) and witnessing another ââ¬ËFantastic Voyageââ¬â¢ in a human body. This time I will be swallowed by George, a 55 years old man, while he is eating his meal consisting of a hamburger, French fries and a soda. I will pilot my mini-sub through Georgeââ¬â¢s GI (gastrointestinal tract), which is the tube that starts with the mouth and proceeds to the esophagus, stomachRead MoreA Tour of the Human Body1846 Words à |à 7 Pagesï » ¿Welcome to our Fantastic Voyage! On this journey, we will explore how nutrients are consumed and passed through the human body before they are finally expelled. This journey will take us through the digestive, circulatory, and digestive systems. Our journey will begin after we enter our male test subjects system by inconspicuously entering the digestive system as part of his delicious, all-American meal consisting of a juicy hamburger, crispy french fries, and an ice-cold root beer. Our tourRead MoreFantastic Voyage Into the Human Body1547 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿The human body is a fascinating organism with a multiplicity of complex systems working together to ensure the health of the individual. Join us as we take a Fantastic Voyage through our healthy, 55-year old male subject to witness how nutrients are ingested and passed through the body. During this journey, we will pass through the digestive, circulatory, and digestive systems to better understand how the body receives nutrients, how they are broken down, and finally, how they are expelled fromRead MoreAnatomy of Digestive, Circulatory, and Urinary Systems1398 Words à |à 6 PagesA Fantastic Voyage Anatomy of Digestive, Circulatory Urinary Systems This is me, Beth Cooper. I have been shrunk again to the size of 8 microns only. In my mini-sub, I am now entering into the mouth of a 55 years old man. He just had a lot of junk food including Hamburger, French Fries and Root beer (which is my carrier as well). It is amazing to see that the digestion process has already started in the mouth of this man. The food has been broken down in to swallow able portions during chewing
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